

Flourishing Therapreneur Podcast

Featured on Season 1, Episode 8 of Claire Blakey’s podcast, The Flourishing Therapreneur.

Claire Blakey, LMFT and Tiana discuss working in private practice, owning your business, and financial empowerment. Topics include: 

  • The evolution of Tiana’s licensing journey and how choosing specific clinical sites helped prepare her for private practice

  • An honest dialogue around the tension between being a therapist and business owner

  • Letting go of self-criticism in finances as a therapist

MindBodyGreen - 99 Affirmations For Self-Love + How To Use Them Properly

You've likely heard of positive affirmations, but if you're new to the concept, the idea that saying a few sentences can magically make you feel amazing may sound too good to be true. While that's not exactly how affirmations work, they can definitely be effective, especially if you're looking to boost your self-love.

Here's why affirmations are so powerful, a huge list of daily self-love affirmations to try, and tips on how to get started with an affirmation practice.

Why you should do affirmations for self-love.

Self-love affirmations are positive phrases that are meant to inspire, uplift, and bolster feelings of self-love within.

They can be particularly helpful if you deal with insecurities and self-criticism because according to therapist Megan Bruneau, M.A., when done correctly, "self-love affirmations can help reprogram the subconscious mind, where we house our unhelpful core beliefs—such as, I'm unlovable, or When people see the real me, they'll abandon me."

As licensed marriage and family therapist Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT, explains to mindbodygreen, the truth is, our brains are wired with a negativity bias that serves as a survival strategy to identify threats. "However," she notes, "it has significant drawbacks when it comes to self-love, and by weaving affirmations into your day, you are combating this negativity bias and rewiring your brain toward more helpful thought patterns."

Think of self-love affirmations like training your brain to come back to your values and what you love about yourself, Leeds says. The more you do it, the easier it will be to "naturally feel a sense of worthiness and ease," she explains.

MindBodyGreen - How To Recover From Burnout, According To Mental Health Experts

Since 2019, burnout has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an "occupational phenomena," impacting the mental wellbeing of people all around the globe. But what is it exactly? And more importantly, how can you overcome it?

Here's what to know, according to mental health experts.

What is burnout?

The World Health Organization defines burnout as an occupational phenomenon with symptoms including, "Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one's job or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy."

Burnout is not classified as an illness or disease, and while WHO does note burnout refers specifically to work-related struggles, it can manifest into far more areas of your life.

As licensed marriage and family therapist Tiana Leeds, M.A., LMFT tells mindbodygreen, symptoms of burnout can persist over a long period of time and can range from emotional, to mental, to physical health factors. "Individuals going through burnout often experience symptoms in all three areas," she explains, such as irritability (emotional), difficulty concentrating (mental), and headaches (physical).